We have moved to a fully online application process for 2025.
Click here to access the applications.
Click here to access application instructions.
Click here to access an overview of all scholarship information – details, *criteria and amounts.
For the CentraState Associated Auxiliaries Scholarship please click here.
Deadline to apply is Friday, April 25, 2025

Scholarships are awarded to full time CentraState Healthcare System team members who are furthering their education or planning to attend a nationally recognized conference or lecture to further their skills in healthcare. Funds would be provided for tuition, purchase of educational materials, or conference registration fees, or in other ways that will enhance the continuing education of the recipient and benefit CentraState Healthcare System.  Funds are paid directly to the institution or department that incurs the cost on behalf of the team member.

*Unless otherwise referenced in bold red text, the scholarship is open to all CentraState team members.

Applications are available to Full and Part Time CentraState employees. 

If you have questions, please contact Olive Taylor at 732 294 7029 or ot*****@ce*********.com